Thank You, Google

Thank You, Google

Randy Pausch

One of my favorite people on earth died today. Although I’ve never met him, I’m going to miss Randy a lot. From the moment I came across his story some time ago, I’ve been inspired by his message and struggle. If you weren’t touched by his outlook on life earlier this year, I urge you to watch his last lecture or to read his book.

You won’t regret it.

Painting the Driveway

There’s a little tradition at Dover High School – graduating seniors can elect to paint a mural on the high school’s driveway. It’s a great way to leave a mark until it’s paved over sometime in the next year. With the help of a few friends, I painted what I consider to be an awesome driveway mural. I did it a few weeks back; in fact, I was up there the night before graduation.

Yes We Can!

That’s right, folks. With this post, I’m officially (on the blog) declaring my support for Barack Obama in the presidential election of 2008.

If you’d like to see more photos, check out this public facebook album.