Stephanie Preston’s article about Register for Change made its way into this week’s Harlem Valley Times. Go give it a read!
As always, I quote it below for posterity’s sake.
Students raise political awareness with ‘Register for Change’ rally
DOVER – Students and recent graduates from Dover High School held a political rally on Aug. 9 in the Town of Dover to promote the importance of voting, as well as to inform the public about presidential candidate Barack Obama’s policies.
Bumper stickers, pins and signs were given out at the “Register for Change” event, and voter registration cards were available for residents to fill out.
A couple weeks before his graduation from Dover High School in June, Valedictorian Richard Mondello, 18, created a group on the social networking Web site advocating to host a political rally during the summer. He received a large amount of feedback from his fellow students wanting to participate and join the group.
“I wanted to do something that would show that the young people of Dover are getting really involved and excited about the upcoming election,” Mondello said.
“I feel like young people hardly ever get good press, and I wanted us to do something positive and constructive,” he said.
After the event’s date was confirmed, Mondello and Dylan Young, 18, went to a town board meeting to get permission to assemble.
Mondello also contacted the Barack Obama campaign about the event, which is how he received the bumper stickers, pins, signs and voter registration cards that were available at the rally.
“There have been a lot of great people coming out to support us and coming up to the tent registering to vote,” said Justin Schneider, 18.
“I’ve been here since 8:30 for the cause. I’m not necessarily for a candidate. I’m for change and involvement in the political process. That’s what all of us are really trying to promote,” he said.
Congressman John Hall (D-Dover) also attended to help promote involvement in the political process.
“The wonderful turnout for this event is proof that bringing people into the political process will make a difference. I think it’s a great message to publicize,” Hall said. “The first step is to be involved and to vote.”